17th Nov 2022

Why Use the Rate of Spread App for Pre-Coated Chippings?

Ruairi Charlesworth

The 2019 chipping season might be underway but we in the asphalt industry are still measuring the rate of spread of pre-coated chippings the same way that we did in the 1970’s. If chipping trays have done us so well for so long, why change?

I would argue that any technician who has been out on site to do this test will be well aware of the risks that are involved: squashed chipping trays, mountains of HRA under your boots, rushing from taking material temperatures to putting trays down, as well as the very real risks from moving plant on site.

MATtest’s rate of spread app, which follows other innovations such as our multi-award winning Automated Quality Assurance system, is a step into the 21st century that we are happy to say is improving our clients’ records on health & safety, product quality, cost saving and avoidance of remedials.

How does it work?

The concept is simple: we use an infra-red camera to take a snapshot of the mat which shows the difference between the hot rolled asphalt and the colder pre-coats. The app then uses the image to calculate the rate of spread, as well as the percentage of the mat covered by chippings:

It’s great to avoid squashed chipping trays and ruined HRA mats. It’s also great to save time and give more accurate results. If we can help our clients avoid the need for remedials then we’ll be pleased to say that we’ve done our job.

But what is most important is that our industry stops putting people in harm’s way.

The ROS app can be operated from beside the mat and takes less that a second to give an accurate reading. It’s a clear improvement on technicians taking readings in-between rollers and chippers and has all the other benefits to-boot.

We want to enable the asphalt industry to take advantage of technology for the benefit of all. If you want to find out more about either the ROS app or any of our other industry-leading innovations, please get in touch with me at: ruairi.charlesworth@mattestsouth.co.uk